With Dream Of aims to help people through dream psychoanalysis, through articles written by psychoanalysis specialized in dreams.

Dreams took on a new meaning when the dream for psychoanalysis became an area of ​​study. In 1900, Sigmund Freud published the book “The Interpretation of Dreams.” The book is considered one of the milestones of the beginning of psychoanalysis. Freud’s dream theory still attracts many scholars from various fields of human knowledge. The mysterious and rich universe of dreams can reveal more about us than we can imagine.

Before Freud’s theories, dreams were generally interpreted as premonitions or as mere symbols. After the theories of Freud and the interpretation of the dream for psychoanalysis, the dream happened to have another interpretation. Be seen as characteristics or reflections of our unconscious.

One of the main purposes of dreams for psychoanalysis is to highlight the importance that what we dream can have in our lives. Also, dreams can influence our thoughts or attitudes. Sleep for psychoanalysis can also be very useful, from a therapeutic point of view. Since its analysis, in therapy, can help the psychoanalyst during the treatment process.

It is very important that the psychoanalyst or psychologist understand the formation of dreams. And how are their defense mechanisms developed and what are the principles of their interpretation.

The dream of psychoanalysis

After a long day at work, there is nothing like a good night’s sleep to rest and disconnect from everyday life. For many of us, dreams may not make sense. But the dream for psychoanalysis, can reveal desires and traumas or other elements present in our unconscious. For psychoanalysis, sleep is one of the ways to access the unconscious, a part of the mind to which we do not have easy access.

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